Throughout the summer the committee of Exeter Bach Society has been looking at ways to improve the brand and image of the choir. We are delighted to today launch the new website, logo and re-imagined ‘Bach crest’ which will become the centre of all publicity going forward.
The website includes a brand new members’ area where all rehearsal notes and committee minutes will be posted which should hopefully help to increase transparency and information to non-committee members throughout the year. Keep a look-out for an e-mail where we will send you log-in details.
This news feed will also be an opportunity for news content to be posted by members and this will be co-ordinated by Kerensa Pearson (Website Manager), George and Gudrun Potts (Publicity Officers) along with a monthly contribution from Jonathan Lucas Wood (Musical Director). It is important that the individual stories of members can be told so please do get in touch with these contacts if you have any stories or articles which you think would be appropriate for this section.
We are indebted to Toucan Design for all their help with the design of the website and continued technical support, and we are excited to announce that they have become one of our new annual sponsors. It is vital that we continue to look for sponsorship for the choir, and the opportunity of this new platform for companies to have their logo displayed in the footer of the website should encourage them to support us in this way.
Musical Director
Jonathan Lucas Wood